Call for papers Sibmas conferentie 2-5 juni 2020 Warschau.


Theme of this year is Performing the Future. Institutions and Politics of Memory.

The 33rd SIBMAS Conference will focus on the following issues:

  • Facts, emotions, narratives – ideas and practices of a narrative museum.
  • Museums, archives and libraries as an interactive space – how to develop a relationship with visitors, practitioners of performing arts, and collectively contribute to an open society.
  • Marketing and collection – developing exhibitions and an image for a library or collection.
  • Theatre heritage institutions and the politics of memory – what narratives do we need and for what purpose?
  • Canonical and alternative approaches to the archives and library collections on performing arts.
  • Body and archive – documenting of “unpreservable” by museums, archives, libraries or artists themselves.
  • Performing the past/reviving the narrative – collaboration between archives, museums, libraries on the one hand and artists on the other.
  • The impact of policies, politics, and conventions on theatre and performing arts practices as well as its preservation.
  • Ecology in the library, archive and museum – practicing care for the Earth; how do perform jobs and help save the planet.

Please submit your proposal here

Kind regards and hope to see you in Warsaw!

